Office of Research and Development

Office of Research and Development
The Queen’s Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl Street, UHT 508
Honolulu, HI 96813

Sponsored Programs Office (SPO)

The Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) supports the administration and compliance of extramurally-sponsored research awards to Queen’s biomedical scientists and clinical investigators.

Our support services include:

SPO oversees the following programs:

Funding Opportunities

Before you begin your search...

If you are interested in applying for funding to support your research interests, this Grant Readiness Assessment Tool will help you determine if you are well prepared to submit competitive grant applications.

Grant-Seeking Resources

The following are a few of the resources that are available to locate and identify extramural research sponsors and grant opportunities:

federal grants

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

The Foundation Center and GuideStar

(requires personal subscription)

If you let us know your research interests and support needs, we can be proactive in searching for appropriate funding sources. Complete and submit the form Funding Search Request Form.

For grant submission support, contact:

Lori Chun

Manager, Sponsored Programs Office
Phone: 808.691.2505
Fax: 808.691.5079

Proposal Development

After you have developed your scientific protocol and identified a funding agency to submit a grant application, we can: