Office of Research and Development

Office of Research and Development
The Queen’s Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl Street, UHT 508
Honolulu, HI 96813

Cayuse IRB

The Research Regulatory Office (RRO)/Research Institutional Review Committee (RIRC) will Transition from Paper-Based Application to the Cayuse Electronic IRB Application Platform.

With the growing reliance on technology and need for improved efficiency, the RRO/RIRC will be introducing the use of QMC’s first electronic IRB application system this Fall 2024. The Cayuse IRB platform allows remote submission of human subjects research protocols, streamlines administrative record-keeping, and provides real-time status of submitted research protocols. Stay tuned for updates on Cayuse IRB!

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Cayuse IRB

The Research Regulatory Office (RRO)/Research Institutional Review Committee (RIRC) will Transition from Paper-Based Application to the Cayuse Electronic IRB Application Platform. With the growing reliance

Training Requirement

Certificate of human subjects training for all personnel listed on Form 1 submitting new applications to the RIRC is required. Please review the CITI Education Link