Office of Research and Development

Office of Research and Development
The Queen’s Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl Street, UHT 508
Honolulu, HI 96813

Research Business Office (RBO)

The Research Business Office (RBO) supports and facilitates the administrative and financial aspects of research activities on Industry-Sponsored studies.

Some of the main roles and responsibilities are:

Schedule of Fees

The following are The Queen’s Medical Center’s start-up and ongoing fees for clinical trials. Inclusive of overhead, final fees are subject to contract negotiation. All start-up fees are assessed independent of IRB approval or subject enrollment and are non-refundable.

Please note that in addition to the business fees, your study will also occur IRB related fees. All fees are subject to change.

  • Administrative Start-up – $3,000
    • To cover Business Office effort in review, negotiation and execution of contract and budget; setup study in Clinical Trial Management System
    • Study subscription fee
    • Study Coordinator and Research Staff’s effort in working with Business Office related to contract and budget.
  • Coverage Analysis – $1,500
  • Investigator Meetings – $3,000 (Principal investigator and study coordinator time spent traveling and attending meetings)
  • Site Initiation – to be determined per study
  • Study Setup and Maintenance in CTMS – $2,000
  • Regulatory Study Startup (Research Coordinator) – to be determined per study
  • Pharmacy Set-up – $4,000
  • Lab Start-up Fees – $300
  • Overhead – 35%
  • Serious Adverse Event Reporting, per hour (based on PI and Coordinators hourly rate)
  • Screened Failed – to be determined per study
  • Re-Consenting Fee, per hour (based on PI and Coordinators hourly rate)
  • Remote/On-site Monitoring – $955
  • Setup of Remote Monitoring Access in EPIC, per – $398
  • Monitor Change Fee, per – $405
  • Annual Study Subscription (CTMS) – $600 (**subject to annual increase)
  • Annual Study Maintenance – to be determined per study
  • Annual Document Storage fee – $500
  • Pharmacy dosing/dispensing fee – to be determined per study
  • Coverage Analysis per Protocol Amendment (Sponsor-Initiated) – $1,500
  • Contract Amendment Admin Fee (Sponsor-Initiated) – $2,500
  • Training due to Amendments (Sponsor-Initiated), per hour – $80
  • IRB Submission Preparation Fee, per submission – $500
    • Fee for the work performed for the preparation and submission of IRB submissions associated with initial, resubmissions or revisions of the Protocol, Informed Consent Documents, annual review, or reviews required for closure of the Study
  • Study closure fee – $2,239
  • Pharmacy Close-Out Fee – to be determined per study
If you have any questions, please contact:

Sheila Dela Cruz
Manager, Research Business Office
Phone: 808.691.7409
Fax: 808.691.5079